
 Payment . You represent that you are at least the minimum age required to enter into a legal agreement. You agree to pay us for any Subscription Based Services you purchase from us (or a third party), as well as all other charges incurred under your account, including applicable taxes and fees. You are responsible for all charges incurred under your account, including purchases made by you or anyone you allow to use your account or any sub-or linked accounts (including any person with implied, actual, or apparent authority) or anyone who gains access to your account as a result of your failure to safeguard your authentication credentials. You authorize and direct us to charge your designated payment method for these charges or, if it fails, to charge any other payment method you have on file with us, even if we received it in association with other Subscription Based Services. You are responsible for all charges even if your payment method fails or is denied. You authorize and direct us to retain all information about any payment method(s) associated with your account. We may import payment information you entered during a prior purchase and provide you the option to use that payment information during purchase of a new product. You permit us to obtain and use updated information from the issuer of your payment method in accordance with the policies and procedures of any applicable card brands. We may in some instances continue charging a payment method past its expiration date at our discretion and subject to the payment processors' or issuing bank's approval. Surcharges may apply if you use certain payment methods, such as payment from your checking or savings account. We may charge for Subscription Based Services in advance and on a daily, monthly, yearly, lump sum, or other basis in accordance with the stated terms, as long as your subscription remains active, even if you have not downloaded or used such Service or accessed your online account. We may (and you authorize us to) take steps to verify the validity of the credit card information you provide to us. You authorize us to do so for verification and anti-fraud purposes.

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